DDLab code September 2024 readme (with minor updates) ---------------------------- The source code, written in c, is provided for ddlabz12 in ddcode-z12-Sept2024.tar.gz (591K) ... includes DOS and revisions supersedes ddcode-z11-Sept2024.tar.gz (591K) ... updates relate mainly to minor improvements to the network-graph, ibaf-graph, and jump-graph, particular "labels at nodes". described in chapter 20 of the upadated Sept 2024 online version of "Exploring Discrete Dynamics" hyperref-PDF, available at www.ddlab.org. Extra files to supplement DDLab (in dd_extra.tar.gz) as described in EDD section 3.6 should be accessible, though DDLab will run without them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ddcode_z12_Sept2023.txt contains the following files: GNU_GPL_3.txt (GNU General Public License version 3) bytes date file descriptioncd ----- ------------ ---------- ----------- 37556 Aug 2 2023 edecfunc.h declare functions 31443 Nov 13 2023 eglob_ab.h global variables 31987 May 27 18:08 alloc44.c allocate and free memory 128212 Mar 8 2023 back99.c generate pre-images 36334 May 23 14:57 boxes63.c create prompt boxes 388151 Apr 15 2023 capara99.c set network rules and states 30708 Sep 25 2023 drawb62.c draw attractor basins 188368 Jan 26 2024 drpara76.c set drawing/display parameters 129378 Jun 14 2022 for83.c run network forward 176684 Dec 6 2022 forint46.c run forward on-the-fly changes 197460 Feb 23 2023 forvar58.c other functions, running forward 223232 Sep 13 2024 graph18.c ibaf-graph, network-graph and jump-graph 74905 Aug 1 2023 g_set31.c graphics setup 23095 Aug 2 2023 in_put16.c functions for user input 25026 Mar 29 2020 learn33.c learning algorithms 105227 Sep 24 2021 l_save13.c saving and loading files 148786 Sep 1 2024 main86.c main, and some other functions 300287 Nov 14 2023 misc94.c various miscellaneous functions 11164 Mar 29 2020 mtree08.c decision tree for kcode 20066 Mar 29 2020 orbants03.c easter egg 70793 Sep 17 2023 run95.c generate attractor basins 50715 Sep 13 2024 vecpost36.c vector PostScrip files 383633 Aug 31 2024 wiring20.c network wiring and wiring graphic total lines (*.c and *.h) excluding blanks/comments = 70111 note: list files with lines and total: wc -l *.c *.h total excluding blanks/comments: cat *.c *.h | sed '/^\s*#/d;/^\s*$/d' | wc -l the following Makefiles files are available separately: for Linux/cygwin/RPI: Makefile_linux_z12 for Mac: Makefile_Mac_Monterey_z12 (see www.ddlab.org or readme's for Makefiles of older ddlab versions -- linux/cygwin/unix/mac/RaspberryPi/Sun -- which can be adapter for ddlabz12) to compile: make -f Makefile_linux_z12 (for example) if renamed just "Makefile", to compile "make" is sufficient DOS version: see dd_DOS_readme_z12.txt describes running ddz12dos.exe in DosBox (windows 7 and later), and commands for compiling DDLab in Open Watcom C Version 1.9 Cygwin version: see dd_cygwin_readme_z12.txt describes running ddlabz12_cygwin32.exe in Cygwin/X, a Linux environment running in Windows. Raspberry Pi compile is available, see dd_RPI_readme_z12.txt, thanks to Dave Burraston The same source code compiles on all platforms above. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- each DDLab source code file includes the following (or similar) header: Copyright (C) Andrew Wuensche DDLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with DDLab. If not, see . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------